Privacy Policy


We are committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses the personal data of the clients and business partners we engage with. This notice sets out the basis on which we collect, process and store the personal data of our stakeholders, in line with our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation and any other applicable data protection laws. The privacy of our clients’ information is paramount to us, and we take a range of steps to maintain the security of that data, and to ensure that clients are fully informed about the controls we have in place, along with their rights.

Where a client engages with us through one of our subsidiaries, we may provide an additional Privacy Notice that specifically considers the types of data processing we perform through that entity. Regardless of which Privacy Notice a client is covered under, we implement consistent protections for the data we process.

Types of personal data

As part of our engagement with clients and business partners, we may collect the following personal data:

  • Name, address, contact numbers and email addresses;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • Nationality;
  • Gender;
  • Marital status;
  • Copies of identity documents (including passports, national ID cards, and driving licences);
  • Employment details and history;
  • Business interests;
  • Sources of wealth (including property and other assets);
  • Utility bills and bank statements;
  • Tax residency particulars; and
  • Bank account and payment details.

In relation to our websites, we may collect technical information from any person or system connecting to our web servers, including: source IP addresses; browser types, settings and plugins; and operating system settings and versions.

Collection of personal data

Personal data relating to clients and business partners is collected directly from them, but may be obtained through third parties, such as their employer or company. Personal data may also be obtained from unconnected third parties, including but not limited to, credit reference agencies, vetting agencies, and public and commercial registers.

For our websites, the data is sent to us automatically as part of the communication mechanism behind HTTP and HTTPS traffic. Further information is available within our Cookie Policy.

Use of personal data

We primarily collect personal data in order to facilitate or fulfil a contract in which ESR’s European platform provides services to clients and business partners. Data will be processed as part of our legitimate interests, in order to better provide services to our clients, and to allow for the smooth operation of our company. Examples of where data could be used would be customer due diligence checks, or making payments to clients and business partners, where necessary.

Personal data may also be used for informational and marketing purposes, in which we inform prospective and existing clients about developments in the offerings of ESR European Platform. This will only take place where we have obtained your consent to receive such communications, noting that your consent may be withdrawn at any time.

Furthermore, there may be occasions on which we have to use personal data to fulfil a legal obligation imposed on us.

In the case of our website, the collection of data is required for the proper functioning of the service.

Redistributing personal data

Personal data may be disclosed with any of our subsidiaries, and to any subcontractor that is involved in the delivery of our service to our clients. Where we use a subcontractor, we will have entered into a data processing agreement that stipulates the use for the personal data, while providing assurances around the security and integrity of that data.

International transfers and storage of personal data

We do not directly transfer data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), as part of its processing of personal and identifiable information. All data is located in physical form within the company’s offices, or on dedicated servers hosted within the United Kingdom. Where subcontractors transfer data outside of the EEA, we will consider the safeguards they have in place for the transfer and processing of that data.

Retention of personal data

Data obtained to fulfil a contract is retained for the duration of the contract. This may be extended if further processing is required in order to comply with a legal obligation or to defend a legal claim. Thereafter, personal data will be securely destroyed, in line with company policy.

In the case of direct marketing, your details will be retained for a duration that is the shorter of the time that we offer services that it reasonably expects to be of interest to you, or until you withdraw your consent for us to communicate with you in that manner.

Data obtained through our website logging is retained for no more than 14 months.

Your rights

Under data protection legislation, you have a number of rights in relation to the data that we hold about you, which may be freely exercised at a time of your choosing. You may write to us by post or by email to request us to:

  • send you a copy of the data we hold about you;
  • correct any incorrect data we hold about you;
  • delete any data we hold about you; or
  • restrict the processing of your data.

You may also object to us processing your data at any time. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not use profiling or employ automated decision making.
We will respond to you in a timely manner, confirming that your request has been carried out and supplying you with any relevant documentation, or we will notify you with a reason as to why we have not followed your request.

Should you believe that your request has not been adequately addressed by us, you can notify the Information Commissioner’s Office within the United Kingdom, the details of which are at the foot of this notice.

Protection of personal data

We have a range of organisational controls and technical solutions in place to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. Privacy is built into our processing activities by design. Details on the protection of data are contained within our Data Security Policy.

We also undertake regular training and awareness sessions with our personnel, to ensure they are fully versed with the company’s procedures for handling personal data.

Changes to this notice

The latest version of this notice will always be visible on our website. A paper or electronic copy may also be requested by post and/or email.

Contacting us

If you have any questions or concerns in relation to the processing of your personal data, you can contact our appointed data protection representative by email using the address, or by sending us post to:

ESR Europe
First Floor, 10 Cork Street
London W1S 3LW
United Kingdom

We will aim to respond on the next business day. You also have the right to approach the United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner, whose office is at:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

For reference, our Data Protection No is ZA835785.

Cookie Policy

When you visit the our website, we may download cookies to assist us with the monitoring and maintenance of our site. A cookie is a small file consisting of letters and numbers that is stored by your web browser or on the hard drive of your computer, if you agree.

The cookies we download are part of Google Analytics, and allow us to improve our website by providing analysis and trends around how you interact with the site. Further information on how these cookies are used is available from:

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of our website. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you log on to our website.

Further information on cookies in general is available at:

อีเอสอาร์ เอเซีย สุวรรณภูมิ​

NLA Area

ขนาดที่ดิน 227 ไร่ หรือ 363,403 ตร.ม.​

Land Area (M²)

พื้นที่ให้เช่าสุทธิ 254,117 ตร.ม.​

ตั้งอยู่ฝั่งตะวันออกของกรุงเทพฯ ที่สามารถเดินทางไปยังสนามบินสุวรรณภูมิได้สะดวก และใกล้ทางหลวงบางนา-ตราด (ทางหลวงหมายเลข 34) ซึ่งเป็นที่ตั้งของคลังสินค้าส่วนใหญ่ และทางหลวงหมายเลข 314 ซึ่งเป็นที่ตั้งของผู้ผลิตและจำหน่ายยานยนต์ที่มีชื่อเสียง ​

ตั้งอยู่ใกล้เขตส่งเสริมระเบียงเศรษฐกิจภาคตะวันออก (EEC Zone) จังหวัดฉะเชิงเทรา

อีเอสอาร์ แหลมฉบัง​

NLA Area

ขนาดที่ดิน 218 ไร่ หรือ 349,078 ตร.ม.​

Land Area (M²)

พื้นที่ให้เช่าสุทธิ 215,789 ตร.ม.​

ตั้งอยู่ริมถนนมอเตอร์เวย์หมายเลข 7 ชลบุรี-พัทยา ทางเชื่อมระหว่างเมืองหลักระหว่างกรุงเทพฯกับจังหวัดระเบียงเศรษฐกิจภาคตะวันออก ​

โครงการนี้อยู่ห่างจากท่าเรือแหลมฉบังเพียง 14 กม. ซึ่งเป็นท่าเรือส่งออกและนำเข้าที่สำคัญแห่งหนึ่งของประเทศไทย ​

พื้นที่แหลมฉบังเป็นหนึ่งในพื้นที่หลักของประเทศไทยสำหรับกิจกรรมอุตสาหกรรม ​

แม้ว่าโครงการจะอยู่ในภาคตะวันออกของประเทศไทย แต่ก็มีการเชื่อมต่อที่เหนือกว่าไปยังพื้นที่กรุงเทพฯ และภาคเหนือ (ผ่านทางมอเตอร์เวย์หมายเลข 7) และสู่ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ (ผ่านทางหลวงหมายเลข 331) ​


NLA Area

203,783 sqm

Land Area (M²)

355,568 sqm

Location and Accessibility
Wangnoi situates on the hub of major highways network Highway 1 – access to and from Bangkok to the northeast. Motorway 6 – a newly built motorway running from Wangnoi to the northeast. Highway 32 – the main highway to the north. Outer ring road 9 – bypassing around Bangkok providing access to the east, south and west of Bangkok.


NLA Area

254,117 sqm

Land Area (M²)

363,403 sqm

Location and Accessibility
Located in the Easter Vicinity of Bangkok with ease access to Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangna-Trad Highway (Highway 34) where most warehouse developments are located and Highway 314 where the well-known automotive manufacturers and vendors are located.
Located close to EEC Zone (Chachoengsao province)


NLA Area

215,789 sqm

Land Area (M²)

349,078 sqm

Location and Accessibility
Located along and with ease of access to Motorway Road No. 7, Chonburi-Pattaya, a major intercity connecting between Bangkok to the Eastern Economic Corridor provinces.

The site is only 14 km from Laem Chabang Seaport, one of Thailand’s major seaports for export and import.
Laem Chabang area is one of Thailand’s key areas for industrial activities.

Although the site is in the eastern part of Thailand, it has superior connectivity to the Bangkok area and the northern (via Motorway Road No. 7) and to the northeastern (via Highway No. 331).

อีเอสอาร์ วังน้อย​

NLA Area

ขนาดที่ดิน 222.23 ไร่ หรือ 355,568 ตร.ม.​

Land Area (M²)

พื้นที่ให้เช่าสุทธิ 203,783 ตร.ม.​

โครงการวังน้อยตั้งอยู่บนศูนย์กลางโครงข่ายทางหลวงสายหลักต่างๆ ดังนี้ ​
ทางหลวงหมายเลข 1 – เข้า-ออก กรุงเทพฯ สู่ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ ​

มอเตอร์เวย์ 6 – มอเตอร์เวยสายใหม่วิ่งจากวังน้อยไปทางตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ ​

ทางหลวงหมายเลข 32 – ทางหลวงสายหลักสู่ภาคเหนือ ​

ถนนวงแหวนรอบนอกสาย 9 – ทางเลี่ยงรอบกรุงเทพฯ เชื่อมระหว่างฝั่งตะวันออก ฝั่งใต้ และฝั่งตะวันตกของกรุงเทพฯ ​.